MorningStar Senior Living’s Website Has Resources for Families

Assisted Living Reno

While MorningStar of Sparks’ first priority is to our residents, we also recognize that helping our families accept the transition to senior living is important.  This is why we have a website filled with useful information and resources regarding all aspects of our community.

We encourage everyone to read the history of MorningStar and about our Founder/CEO, Ken Jaeger’s mission to start a senior housing company defined by the human touch.  He explains that he “wanted to re-create my grandmother’s house, a place where one can go and feel a sense of family.”  Guided by our Radiance program, you will also learn how we deliver service – with warmth, sincerity and depth.

Furthermore, we understand that senior living decisions are often precipitated by major changes, which is why we provide a guide that details various retirement options.  One recommendation we offer is to clearly identify what you are trying to solve, and to think about not just next year, but rather the next 5 to 10 years.  We encourage you to read our points to consider for help in determining if senior living is the best solution for you, your parent or spouse.  In addition you will find some of the troubling signs that could signal the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia, however please keep in mind that only a neurologist can make a diagnosis.

Once you have reached the decision to move to a senior living community, we advise you to set up a tour.  We recommend not trying to do more than two tours a day as you will get a lot of information to take in and process.  Please contact MorningStar of Sparks if we can be of any help or if you have questions or would like to set up a tour of our wonderful community.

The unique mission statement of MorningStar of Sparks, “to honor, to serve, to invest,” sets us apart from other senior living communities. Our foundation is built upon honoring God, valuing all seniors, and investing in staff with a felt calling to serve. Dedicated to creating a real home for residents within a beautiful setting, we encourage you to see for yourself our exceptional offering for independent and assisted living in Reno, NV.


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