Answers to FAQs on Our Website

Assisted Living Reno

If you are in the beginning stages of looking for senior living in and around Sparks and the Reno area, we recommend taking a look at MorningStar of Sparks.  Our community has 128 bright suites for independent living, another 80 for assisted living, and 32 secure suites devoted to the care of those with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

One good way to get to know our community is through our website where you will find lots of information regarding our amenities and services as well as information and floor plans of our suites.  Furthermore the MorningStar Senior Living Company, which encompasses over 25 communities and 3,000 units under operation or development, has lots of information about how our communities are run and what they offer.

One of the areas you will find especially informative is the “FAQ” section.  Here we go through a whole list of questions we have been asked in the past and provide families with answers.  Topics include why we are different, what we offer, and just what is an assisted living community.  We also provide help in determining if your loved one needs assisted living along with suggestions on how to begin the conversation on why it may be the time to start thinking about making a change in their living situation.

The FAQ page is also an easy way to see if you or your loved one meets our age requirement (for an IL, AL, or MC suite, you must be at least 62 years of age).  It also provides answers to questions regarding Companion Living, couples living together, respite stays, pets, and much more.  Additionally while we provide answers as to how our fees are structured and how we determine the care you or your family member will receive in assisted living, we are more than happy to answers all and any questions personally.  Once you have looked over our website, we invite you to set up a tour of MorningStar of Sparks to see for yourself our beautiful, loving community.

MorningStar of Sparks’ unique mission statement “to honor, to serve, to invest” sets us apart from other senior communities.  Committed to creating a true home for residents within a gorgeous setting, our foundation is built on honoring God, valuing our seniors and hiring staff with a felt calling to serve.  We invite you to schedule a visit to learn more about our exceptional senior living.

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